Sunday, August 3, 2014

Danny's Son

This is a short film that I made with my brother and a friend of ours. Technically, I didn't direct this film at all. It was rather my brother who did. Basically, it's a movie about when my brother Danny was younger. He basically spent his free time on the computer downstairs. He would always be playing some new game and whenever you opened the basement door, he would instantly switch windows(i.e minecraft to microsoft word) and tell you that he was "doing his debate stuff" or some other excuse. As soon as you closed the door, he would get back on his game. He's totally grown up now and to be honest, I don't know why we came up with this idea. Whatever the case, I like him now and this video remains a classic...because it's realistic. This is what Danny use to do. By the way, he doesn't really have a son and "Allen" is just a friend of his.

Enjoy! Oh, and sorry about the video quality. It's Blogger's fault, not mine.

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